Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Golden Wings Insurance-Revisited

I put a post on this blog a while ago asking if anyone had problems with the Cigna Golden Wings insurance plan.  Here are the cliff notes on my dad's situation.

Dad has not paid premiums in about 2 years.  We found out this is a "premium holiday" and apparently none of the plan participants should have paid premiums for the last two years (it's now April, 2013). 

We have enlisted the services of Ms. Nancye Kearns of the Somerset County (New Jersey) office on aging.  Nancye is a benefits specialist and is certified as such.  She has been in contact with Medicare, United Health Care and Cigna (the golden wings underwriter).  She has also been in contact with the gentleman who runs the AA retires blog ( http://amrrc.net/ ).  I do not recall his name but Nancye said he has had limited success with the Buffalo, NY "administrator" of the GW Plan (Nancy Quinlivan?).  As you all know there is always some excuse when calling her.  The new plan cards are always in the mail and you're always covered.  I too suspected a scam.  Nancye is divided between scam and gross incompetance.

At some past point, the GW Plan was paying claims.  However they stopped.  We also found out that there was some type of revision (or so it appears) to the lifetime benefit cap.  It appeared that it was restored to $ 50k.  But nobody can explain it.  Not US Healthcare, not Cigna.  We as yet, have not contacted AAL HR but that is probably next on the list.  Nancye estimates that GW has rejected over $ 5k in out of pocket medical expenses in 2012 alone.

Anyway, that is where we are now.  Please feel free to share your experiences.


David A. Pickel, son of F/E (ret) David E. Pickel

1 comment:

  1. It was wondering if I could use this write-up on my other website, I will link it back to your website though.Great Thanks. i thought about this
