Saturday, April 14, 2012

This blog

I started this blog not too long ago as an accompanying forum for a website I put up for retired AA Flight Engineers.  My father is a retired AA Flight Engineer.  I had my father send CJ King a message asking if he was ok with me putting up my site as he had retired his.  CJ gave me his pages and I published them.

Since then, a number of events have occurred.  Randy Foster put a up an AAL F/E blog, and website.  Randy did write me asking if he was competing with my blog & site.  I told him no, I did not object and I did not think he was  competing with me.

However, I did not receive updates so my information is dated.  My web host pulled the plug on my version of MS Front Page.  I have looked at alternative software and decided for reasons of either purchase price or learning  curve, that I won't be buying and learning new software.  Plus, it turns out I didn't have a whole lot of spare time to update the site and blog.

And I, not being an AA employee or retiree, do not have the social connections to your group that would enable me to keep things up to date and interesting for you.  My intentions were good.  But sadly it did not work out.

For anybody who looked at my site and blog, I thank you.  Please visit Randy Foster's site and blog.  He does a great job with them.  Since he's a retired F/E, he is part of your professional and social circle.  You all share a comraderie that I only experienced once in my career (28 years at AT&T, 3 years at Sprint) while I as a "Special" (part time) Police Officer in New Jersey during the late 70's to mid 80's.

For the near term, I will leave the site and this blog up in case anybody wants to give a look.  I can't remember an comparable aviation "saying", but in boating we wish someone good luck and success by saying...  "Fair winds and following seas"


David A. Pickel

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